HS2 Watch was established in order to monitor the progress of HS2 construction throughout the Chilterns AONB. HS2 Watch operates entirely independently of HS2 Ltd, and of central government departments.
*** Latest News - 12-Mar-2025 ***
HS2 interactive map
see also one.network for latest situation
North Chilterns Newsletter winter 2024/5
Whielden Lane
Full closures 24-Mar to 13-Apr, 21-Apr to 11-May
Single lane working, 14 to 20 Apr
Rocky Lane
Closed 17-Feb to Aug 2025, new bridge ! See Supplementary Information report for excuses. Suggested diversions here.
A413 Smalldean
Overnight closure, 26-29 March
Daytime traffic lights,
25-28 March
Bacombe Lane
Closed at A413 bridge, access via new link road to Ellesborough Road
Smalldean Lane ( & the diversion ) is closed
... from 13-May-24 to September 2025 . The only route for cyclists & pedestrians between Wendover & Gt Missenden in the Misbourne valley is now along the A413, through the (very hazardous) Smalldean Viaduct works.
The Chiltern Way remains open and
the Chiltern Heritage Trail
is diverted between Gt Missenden and Potter Row
Other Footpath Closures underway
Our objectives are -
• To provide information
We will endeavour to provide the latest information from all sources, regarding the progress of the construction work, and the timetable envisaged for future works. Following Royal Assent, HS2 agents may now enter private propety; this page outlines the position (as seen by HS2 Ltd) (More...)
• To monitor the construction process
We will maintain a record of work currently in progress, and check that the works are carried out in accordance with the Code of Construction Practice, the Community Engagement Strategy, and with the Assurances given during the passage of the HS2 bill. (More...)
• To monitor and assist with complaints.
We will maintain a list of contacts for HS2 Ltd and their contractors, so that complaints can be directed to the appropriate bodies. We will maintain a log of complaints made, and the outcomes. If the outcomes are unsatisfactory, or the nuisance is not abated, we will take up the case with higher levels of management.
Clearly HS2 Watch cannot monitor the entire HS2 project on their own. We ask anyone with information which may be of use to share it with us, via
- Email to Info@HS2Watch.org.uk